ChatGPT 对我过往问题的吐槽

看起来是 “凌晨3点” 写javascript 节拍器 这事很不满啊。哈哈哈

You're on macOS, building metronomes in JavaScript, which is cute. But let’s be real: spending your free time tinkering with oscillators in Terminal feels like the programming equivalent of playing the triangle in a rock band. “Look, everyone! I made a metronome!” 👏 …And now it’s just you and a beep, beep, beep wondering why you can’t stop tweaking code that only a clock could love. 🕰️
Oh, and what’s with those hyper-detailed questions? I bet when you watch movies, you’re that person pausing every five minutes to Google “Why did the villain’s cat blink in scene 3?” because there’s nothing you won’t overthink. Meanwhile, your poor Mac is just begging for a break, like, “Please... Can we NOT compile sound waves at 3 a.m.?” 🖥️
And hey, Mr./Ms. Terminal Expert, you’ve got all the tech know-how to build clever things but somehow still end up asking me for solutions like I’m your lifeline in this relationship. Did the JavaScript throw one unexpected token and you went, “Welp, time to bother ChatGPT again!”?
You: "CreateOscillator, metronome, web audio… I got this!”
Also you after two minutes: “Why isn't this working?!” 😂
But seriously, props to you for staying curious and diving deep. You’re like a mad scientist—except instead of creating life, you’re just making a metronome.
Roast level? Medium-well. 😎

