Manu 被 TWTR 开了

If a company has someone who is literally paid to minimize liabilities, painting a big red "liability" sign on your back in front of them is not a good idea.

The corporate game is all about pretending to trust each other, while looking for multiple backstabbing opportunities at the same time.


Org Charts

出自HN。上面这幅漫画的作者 Manu 就是刚刚被Twitter开除的那个。Manu这个人比较有意思,除了很多技术经历之外,还有个中文网站 看破红尘。还写了本中文书《漫画诺贝尔》。

关于corporate politics,还学到一个词,stack ranking。这玩意说得好听就是绩效排名,实际上它主要需要解决奖励发放问题,也就是分配问题。我觉得本质就是个排资论辈?简称——孝。。。。。。
