
As a Phase 1 CEO, you are the lead rower on the boat. But in a Phase 2 startup, your job is no longer to row. Instead, it’s to define the purpose of the voyage, set the direction of the boat, and measure the pace and performance of a much larger number of rowers. In business speak, the CEO’s job is to define the Mission (purpose), Strategy (direction), and Metrics (pace and performance). These three elements provide the essential context that a growing company needs to be able to perform.
One of the best examples of “Mission-to-Metrics” alignment comes from a friend who visited the manufacturing floor at SpaceX. Seeing a SpaceX employee assembling a large part, he stopped to ask him, “What is your job at SpaceX?” He answered, “The mission of SpaceX is to colonize Mars. In order to colonize Mars, we need to build reusable rockets because it will otherwise be unaffordable for humans to travel to Mars and back. My job is to help design the steering system that enables our rockets to land back on earth. You’ll know if I’ve succeeded if our rockets land on our platform in the Atlantic after launch.” The employee could have simply said he was building a steering system for landing rockets. Instead, he recited the company’s entire “Mission-to-Metrics” framework. That is alignment.


「使命到指标」式对齐,一个最好的例子来自一位去参观过SpaceX生产车间的朋友。当时正看见SpaceX的员工正在组装一个大部件,他停下来问他:"你在SpaceX的工作是什么?" 他回答说:"SpaceX的任务是殖民火星。为了殖民火星,我们需要建造可重复使用的火箭,因为不这样的话,人类将负担不起往返火星的费用。我的工作是帮助设计转向系统,使我们的火箭能够降落在地球上。如果我们的火箭在发射后,能降落在在大西洋的平台上,你就知道我成功了。" 这名员工本来可以简单地说,他正在建造一个用于火箭着陆的转向系统。相反,他背诵了公司的整个 「使命到指标」框架。这就是对齐。

